<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Why do we need to make Sustainability efforts in Textile Industry?
It is a true fact that the textile industry is being questioned heavily from everywhere due to its major contribution to damaging today’s environment. We from the platform of ReviveTM join hands with those who make sustainability efforts to redefine and revive the textile industry yet by applying technological and sustainable development methods. The following are the major causes of conventional methods that harm the global atmosphere. We also feel pride in disclosing our role to tackle all these conventional obstacles in achieving global UN goals by applying eco-friendly processes.
- Both textile and garment industries are squandering many resources from nature and disposing of them in the form of Waste.
- The water usage and wastage throughout the process of textile manufacturing add approximately 20% to the global water pollution
- If we just look at cotton farming, we will come to know that 4% of global freshwater resources (nearly 93 billion cubic meters of water) go wasted worldwide.
- Large sums of energy are being swallowed for Cotton to polyester and synthetic materials transformation, e.g., 70 million barrels of oil are eaten up only in polyester production yearly.
- Polyester, which plays a vital role in destroying our planet’s atmosphere, takes about 200 years to decay.
- Microfibers, Toxic chemicals, and dyes eventually generate Greenhouse Gases, especially CO2 emissions, and these are threatening human lives.
- In a nutshell, we may conclude that rapid and unsatisfactory behavior towards the clothing and fashion industry as a whole is causing a lot to regeneration and manufacturing of textiles worldwide.
- Hence, it becomes the unavoidable fact that we all should collaborate to minimize the Waste and manufacturing of textiles or explore the methods that minimize environmental impact. This has lead us to adopt eco-friendly processes throughout textile manufacturing.
Revive’s Critical Approach
& Steps as Sustainability Efforts

- The management of ReviveTM has acknowledged and appreciated every effort that brings sustainability in the textile industry.
- Our agenda to make sustainability efforts through sustainable development methods has been transformed from documents to reality as we have been producing and contributing a major role in manufacturing recycled clothes through eco-friendly processes in Pakistan.
- To accomplish and strengthen our forefathers’ vision of sustainable development in textile manufacturing, we are the company that strictly follows the global recycle standards (GRS’s) too.

- Our defined Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) drives us too to strengthen the social progress and equity, environmental balance, and economic growth of the sector and country.
- We stimulate the proactive principles to produce 100% recycled clothes that help achieve the UN Global Goals.
- ReviveTM collects, categorizes, processes, and recycles the natural fiber and human-made fiber waste at a large scale.
- Thereby we struggle with the zero waste policy by applying the sustainable development methods in preparing recycled Fiber, Yarn, and Fabric without chemical auxiliaries.

As the resultant of our above sustainability efforts, we have achieved the following distinguishing landmarks.

38+ milliton Waste has
been reprocessed so far

230+ million plastic or
pet bottles have been repurposed

380+ billions of fresh water
have been preserved

Zero Pesticides Usage from
scratch to end throughout the
manufacturing of the products

Zero contribution to greenhouse
gases and CO2 emissions
Other than what we have mentioned above all as the partner of UN global goals to save the environment. Revive endorses a secure and efficient lifestyle that includes a supportive living to wildlife, not engaging the children in working, more than the minimum wages or right allocation of salaries amongst all the employees.